29wks .......................................... 30wks
31wks ......................................... 32wks
weeks: 28-32 ... august 20 - september 16
due date: november 11, 2011
baby's size: honeydew ... 3.14lbs, 19in
morning sickness/symptoms: braxton hicks contractions
cravings: my milk craving is getting a bit ridiculous. i've been drinking 2-3 gallons a week for over a month now! i can't get enough of it.
sleep: i sleep well, but i can't seem to sleep in anymore.
i can't live without: yoga pants! they're so comfortable i change into them the minute i get home from work.
i miss: the tanning bed! there is nothing more relaxing than taking a nap in the tanning bed on cold, winter days.. and getting a tan doesn't hurt either ;) hitting up the tanning bed will be high on my post-partum to-do list.. along with drinking an ice cold beer!
milestones: switched from monthly appointments to bi weekly appointments! at my 31 week appointment i had a growth ultrasound.. i'm baking a big boy! they estimated his weight to be 3lbs 14oz.. so they're expecting him to weigh between 7-8lbs at birth. tyler took a half-day so he could be at the ultrasound since we hadn't had one since our 18 week appointment. the tech gave us lots of great pictures in 3D.. it was so amazing to see him and features. we've decided he has tyler's nose and chin and my mouth.. and he has lots of hair :)
awkward moments: the phenomenon of strangers touching my belly is happening again. even with a bigger belly, its still awkward and unwanted.
exercise: the seaton pool is closed for the winter so walking is my only option these days.
weight gain: +8lbs.
stretch marks: none.
belly button: still flat.
movement: less kicks, more movement. he's head down and growing bigger by the day so he's running out of room. he likes to stretch and stick his butt out and it makes a hard lump on my stomach.
gender: still a boy!
labor signs: none.
i couldn't gush about our 3D ultrasound and not share pictures of his precious face :)