tyler & i went to cincinnati for july 4th weekend. he drove up on thursday because his baseball team was playing in a tournament. i drove up saturday morning and got to see his team play 1 game before the rain started. the games for sunday were canceled saturday evening and most of the players & their families headed back to wv that night. tyler & i decided to stay the night. we went out to dinner and came back to the hotel and just watched movies & spent time together. it wasn't any big to-do but it was a great way to spend our 5th anniversary :)
my mom came in from florida the following weekend! she & cole went skydiving saturday morning! (crazzzzy!) i stayed safely on the ground and took pictures. haha saturday evening my grandma & aunt bobbie threw me a bridal shower. it was a lot of fun! i got to visit with a lot of my mom's family that i don't see very often.
in between all this craziness, i've been finalizing wedding plans and helping out at the new house whenever i can. the house has changed A LOT in the past month! here's what's new:
-the driveway is poured, complete with 3 sets of pawprints :)
-insulation is in.
-the drywall guys come next week!
-tyler has finished all of the kitchen cabinets, stain & all.
-my dad finished the electric & plumbing. we passed both inspections!
-the siding is finished!
-the front yard is level and grass is growing!
in the wedding department:
-tyler & i bought our wedding rings :)
-the honeymoon is booked & paid for! jamaica here we come!
-we finally got our engagement pictures back!
-on july 12th, our announcement was in the herald dispatch!
now, we're just playing the waiting game.. official countdown: 2 weeks, 2 days, & 23 hours ;)
hopefully, tomorrow i will have some big news in the car department! *fingers crossed* i found a 2007 honda pilot in nashville, tn and the dealer is taking my car in on trade. i have been searching for the right honda pilot for months & every time i found one that had everything i wanted something always fell through :( so i'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.

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