25wks ............................................ 26wks
27wks .......................................... 28wks
weeks: 24-28 ... july 23 - august 19
due date: november 11, 2011
baby's size: small cabbage ... 2.9lbs, 17in
morning sickness/symptoms: braxton hicks contractions
cravings: milk
sleep: other than getting up multiple times a night to pee, i'm sleeping okay. which i'm very thankful for, and i'm sure tyler is too. (i'm a beast when i'm sleep deprived.. ask my mother!)
i can't live without: pedicures! granted, i gave up trying to reach my toes months ago but now there is no possible way i could paint my toes myself. plus, its a nice way to treat myself after a long week!
i miss: being able to buy clothes without trying them on. i don't care what anyone says, maternity clothes still suck. granted, they are way better than when my mom was pregnant with me (hello, mumus anyone?!) but they still leave a lot to be desired. i've given up on most maternity clothes, besides jeans, and just continue to wear my pre-pregnancy shirts and dresses. when i need something new i head straight to my normal shopping stores and just buy a size bigger than i wore pre-pregnancy. i think normal clothes look better and they show off the baby bump!
milestones: birthing class. it wasn't anything like the movies, not that anything is, but it was informative. it was very laid-back and informal. it was from 9a-3p on a saturday taught by a labor and delivery nurse. she covered everything that would happen from the moment we checked in to l&d to the moment we checked out with sweet baby cohen, and every possible situation in between. i didn't have any "omg i never knew that!" revelations but i left feeling much more informed and prepared.
awkward moments: the stares! i feel like i'm the only person to have ever been pregnant in the entire world the way some people look at me. its weird and awkward and i don't know how to take it! i don't know if they're staring because i look young and they're silently judging me or if i'm so ginormous they think i'm going to give birth to a baby whale or what.. but its definitely awkward. at first, i thought it was just my imagination but tyler even noticed it last week as we were leaving max & erma's. the guy at the next table just stared at me and made no attempt to hide it. i think it bothered tyler more than me; he was very close to saying something but i just wanted to go.
exercise: besides the 100 trips i take to the bathroom a day and swimming at my dad's, i've given up on exercise until it cools down. i'm not a morning person so walking in the AM before work is out of the question and by the time i'm home its too hot. i keep reminding myself that cooler weather will be here sooner or later!
weight gain: +4lbs from pre-pregnancy weight. it seems so strange but i think my weight has just redistributed itself to my belly. so far, its the only thing that seems to have grown. it took me 4 months to put on the 7lbs i lost in april plus another 4lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight. but have no fear- cohen is healthy, growing right on schedule & isn't nutrient deprived in any way!
stretch marks: none.
belly button: still flat.
movement: cohen has his own schedule! around 9a-10a, after i eat breakfast he kicks and moves around constantly for a good hour or so. the rest of the day he's pretty chill with a few kicks/twists throughout the day. once i'm home and relaxing around 5p-6p he starts his evening jazzercise routine and continues it well into the night.
gender: boy!
labor signs: none.
*special announcement* for months, i thought we were settled on a name.. cohen ryder. well, that's changed. when we were discussing names we kept going back and forth between ryder and taylor as cohen's middle name. tyler preferred ryder and i preferred taylor. i gave in. well, my great great aunt passed away while we were at the beach and the funeral services took place the day after we got home. it was nice to visit with family members even though it wasn't under the best circumstances. naturally, everyone was asking about the baby and his name and we caught some flack for not giving him the middle name taylor, (i secretly loved every minute of it) and i promised my aunt chris i would work on it. as we're driving home tyler throws me a curve ball.. he tells me he DOES like cohen taylor and he thinks he wants to change his name! i try to contain my excitement and tell him i'm open to discussing middle names if he is. within a few days, and no pushing from me (i swear!) we decided to change his name.....
cohen taylor christian it is <3
tyler and i can't wait to tell him about all the amazing and wonderful people he's named after.. some of who are still with us and some that aren't. plus, he'll share a middle name with his granddaddy and uncle cole!
overall, its been a great month! tyler and i had a great time on vacation and it was nice to get away for 10 whole days!
beach bums
outlet shopping .................. cohen's new diaper bag
who says you can't wear a bikini at 6 months pregnant?
my wild pack of 4-legged children were in good hands while we were lounging on the beach.. they had a great time at my dad's playing with nico!
brewsky, benson, bailey, & nico ................ chicken > dog chow
granddaddy daycare is equipped with a pool.. i doubt i was missed.