Tuesday, July 12, 2011

recap: month 4

16wks .................................... 17wks 

18wks .....................................19wks
weeks: 16-20 ... may 27 - june 24

due date: november 11, 2011

baby's size: cantaloupe ... 10oz, 6.5 inches

morning sickness/symptoms: still feeling good! i'm happy to have missed the morning sickness altogether.

cravings: MILK! i can't get enough of it. when tyler is home we go through a gallon of milk almost every other day. its insane.. and expensive!

sleep: so far, so good. i've had a few restless nights but nothing too bad. it has definitely been an adjustment to find new sleeping positions because i've always been a stomach sleeper.

i can't live without: air conditioning! its been super hot lately and after being in a stuffy office all day i can't wait to come home and crank the ac down to 65 and do nothing but lay on the couch.

i miss: beer. i know its ridiculous, but i do. its cookout season and who doesn't love a cold beer with their burger?

i'm looking forward to: shopping! my gut feeling was finally confirmed and baby christian is alllll BOY! i have a few disappointed friends, ahem jen, who were pulling for a girl but i knew from the beginning we were having a boy. now, let the shopping begin!

milestones: we've reached the half-way point!

awkward moments: people touching my stomach, especially strangers. its awkward, and it always will be. i'm a freak with personal space issues, i know. i would just prefer to be asked before being groped.

exercise: yoga, walking, swimming

weight gain: -5lbs from pre-pregnancy weight.

stretch marks: negative. & let's hope it stays that way!

belly button: in

movement: i have an anterior placenta, but all that means is that its on the front side acting as a cushion between the baby and my belly so it makes it harder to feel bumps and kicks. i've felt a few very light kicks as of the 20wk mark.

gender: still a boy! u/s at week 16, confirmed again at week 18.

labor signs: its far too early for that.

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